Content Updated On : 2024-04-16

Part of what we love about poetry is the fact that it seems ancient, that it has an authority of ancient language and ancient form, and that it's timeless, that it reaches back.

30 minutes

People from different parts of the world can respond to the same story if it says something to them about their own history and their own experience.

30 minutes

If you die in an elevator, be sure to push the Up button.

30 minutes

If you introduce kids to fishing, they become good citizens.

30 minutes

In Mexico, when we want to speak deep secrets, we drink pulgue together. It is a drink made from the cactus plant, and when you take the bottle from your mouth, it leaves a string behind, between the mouth and the bottle, like a spider's web. It shows that the truth sticks inside.

30 minutes

Now we Democrats believe that America is still the country of fair play, that we can come out of a small town or a poor neighborhood and have the same chance as anyone else, and it doesn't matter whether we are black or Hispanic, or disabled or women.

30 minutes

Bob Rock taught me a lot. His friendship has taught me a lot about what you should expect from a recording session and, more importantly, how you shouldn't expect anything less than absolute joyousness. You should feel great. You should feel 14 to be doing it. It's true and it's rare.

30 minutes

Positive thinking must be followed by positive doing. John C. Maxwell

30 minutes

Without U.S. independence, North America would have remained a rural, non-industrial breadbasket. Blessed as it was with natural resources, agrarian North America would have supplied cotton and beef and lumber to industrial Britain. America would thus be more like Australia - a nice enough place to live, but no kind of world power.

30 minutes

It was, you know, probably 80 degrees out in L.A., and my dad took me outside and there was snow. At the time, I thought, 'Every kid doesn't have snow in their backyard on Christmas?'

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If you are not afraid of dying, there is nothing you cannot achieve. Lao Tzu

30 minutes

You will never gain anyone’s approval by begging for it. When you stand confident in your own worth, respect follows. Mandy Hale

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Buildings designed with careful attention to aesthetics arouse and enlighten their occupants and that promotes their good health.

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They don't need a lawyer, they need a toastmaster.

30 minutes

I do think there is a lot of potential if you have a compelling product and people are willing to pay a premium for that. I think that is what Apple has shown. You can buy a much cheaper cell phone or laptop, but Apple's product is so much better than the alternative, and people are willing to pay that premium.

30 minutes

Freedom has never been free.

30 minutes

And when he died, I suddenly realized I wasn’t crying for him at all, but for the things he did. I cried because he would never do them again. Ray Bradbury

30 minutes

The loss of a friend is like that of a limb; time may heal the anguish of the wound, but the loss cannot be repaired.

30 minutes

Endurance is not just the ability to bear a hard thing, but to turn it into glory.

30 minutes

Mankind, when left to themselves, are unfit for their own government.

30 minutes

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